Upcoming Events for 2024

Calendar Launch Party

We're launching next year's calendar with a gathering at the Grand Central Wine Bar, one of the many buildings examined in our survey of East Sebago. Get your copy early, and enjoy the Grand Central's music, wine and food. We'll be gathering around 5:00 and staying until ???. Come join us!

Sat, July 6 5:00pm •  Grand Central Wine Bar, 256 Sebago Rd/Rt 114, Sebago

Historic Gun Show

Special guest Walter Norris will display tables of items from his extensive collection of antique guns and militaria. He is a well known collector and expert on this subject with a personal collection going back over 65 years. He has served as president of the Arms Collectors for over 20 years, organized over 12 gun shows, and provided appraisals for buyers and collectors of antique militaria. Mr. Norris will give evaluations of items brought by attendees, assisted by one of Sebago’s local appraisers, Glenn Grant.

Sat, July 13 2:00-5:00pm •  Potter Gym/Sebago Town Hall, 406 Bridgton Rd, Sebago
Admission $5, kids (accompanied by adult) free. Appraisals $5 per item

Past Events

Marxophone and Beyond

Due to the coming storm, we have cancelled this event. We hope to reschedule it in the future.

Explore the whimsical world of vintage fretless zithers with Katherine Rhoda. You've seen them at flea markets: many-stringed, play-by-number instruments, with decorative decals and creative playing mechanisms. In that late 1800s and early 1900s, mass manufacturing spawned an outpouring of musical invention. The many resulting instruments, some ridiculous, some sublime, and all marketed as the ultimate in DIY music-making, were sold door-to-door and in popular catalogs.Come see and hear them with us!

Sat, Sept 16,2023 2:00pm •  Sebago Historical Society Museum, 347 Convene Rd

B&SR Railroad Museum Lecture

Join us for a talk by Adam Cook of the Brigton & Saco River Railroad Museum so you'll be all primed for their exhibit at Sebago Days.

Sat, July 8, 7:00pm •  Spaulding Memorial Library

Annual Fall Festival

Coming back at last after a two-year Covid break: our annual Fall Festival! This is a family-friendly event held outside the museum on Convene Rd., featuring hands-on demonstrations of skills and equipments used in former days. We’ll be showing spinning, weaving, and the ever-popular sock-knitting machine. Kids can help churn butter or take a few cranks on the ice-cream freezer or the cider press. We’ll be showing how to use a metal detector to locate hidden objects around old properties. And much more . . . The museum will be open for tours, and we always welcome any questions about town history! Hope to see you there.

Historic "Porch Tour"

Windfall and Blackman Cottages.

This year's House Tour will take place outside at two summer cottages built by the Drs. Blackman on the side of Douglas Mountain at the height of the summer visitor era in Sebago's history. Both houses have extensive porches with breath-taking views out over the lakes and mountains. The current owners, Joan Morford and Andy and Jean Anderson, will be on hand to talk about the rich history of their homes.
For a more energetic outing, join the guided tour of the Douglas Mountain trails, which will climb from the town parking lot on Douglas Mtn Rd to the magnificent Stone Tower, built by by Dr. Blackman in the 1920s, and descend to the cottages. Meet at the parking lot at 1:30. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Limited parking is available at the cottages, but most should plan to park in the town lot on Douglas Mtn Rd and walk up to the cottages. People will be on hand to show you the way. Carpooling encouraged! Email us or visit our Facebook page for more information. A free event. Donations are appreciated.

A Walking Tour of Pink Street

Postcard of the Pink Street village, circa 1910.

Come join us at Spaulding Memorial Library to hear about this historic part of Sebago, where Gorham Sand & Gravel's proposed quarry would be located. Diana Martin Letellier, whose ancestors populated this area, will talk about the history of the street and people who lived there. A walking tour of Pink Street, which forms the the southern border of Sheep Mountain, will follow.

Sun, June 26, 2:00pm •  Rain or shine •  Spaulding Library
Admission free; donations appreciated.

Susie Barstow in Sebago

Susie Barstow, 1836-1923, was among the most prominent women painters of the Hudson River School. She lived in Brooklyn, but summered here in Sebago on Douglas Hill in the 1890s and early 20th century. Using Sebago as a base, she hiked through the Maine woods and White Mountains, sketching for her well-known paintings of woodland and mountain scenes.
Nancy Siegel, a highly respected art historian specializing in the artists of Barstow's era, is here in town researching Barstow's Sebago days for a forthcoming biography. While here, Dr. Siegel will treat us to a lecture on Barstow's life and work. Please join us!

Sat, July 31, 7:00pm •  Spaulding Library
Admission free; donations appreciated. Light refreshments.

Veteran's Day 2019

Wayne Peabody will join us for a presentation on the exploration of Sebago Lake to find the remains of World War II planes that crashed in the lake in May 1944. Bring your recollections of Sebago during WWII! Also featuring our ever-growing slide show of Sebago veterans through history.

Mon, Nov 11 •   Spaulding Library, immediately following the ceremony at Veterans Park

Cemetery Tour

Visit Pike Yard on Allen Road, off the Convene Road, to learn about the history of Oliver M. Pike, one of Sebago's earliest settlers, his family, and their connections to the community. If the weather allows, bring a picnic and hike up to "Pike's Peak" for magnificent views across hills and mountains.

Sat, Oct 19, 3:00 •  Allen Rd

3rd Annual Fall Festival Open House

We will again feature cider pressing, ice cream making, letterpress printing, sock making, and other skills from a much earlier time. Music from a hammered dulcimer will entertain us. The display shed will be open to view our larger items, and the museum will be open, too. Please join us!

Sat, Sept 21 •  Historical Society Museum at 347 Convene Rd, 1:00-4:00pm

11th Annual Historic House Tour

Saturday, Aug 3, 2019 • 1:00   Meet at Veterans Park/SES Parking Lot for carpooling

Built around 1850 on Hogfat Hill, this classic cape-style home still has its original wide pine flooring and immense granite blocks in its foundation. Come see its pump organ, the pride of many 19th century homes, in the dining room and its "three holer" in the barn. Learn about Hogfat Hill, an intriguing and close-knit neighborhood of Sebago. See how historic documents such as deeds can show how properties were passed on within families.

Please email contact@sebagohistoricalsociety.org for reservations and visit us on Facebook (search for Sebago Historical Society) for more information.
A $10.00 donation to the Sebago Historical Society is appreciated.

Antiques Road Show, Sebago Style

Our third annual running of this wildly popular event! Featuring Glenn Grant, our own resident antiques expert. Bring items to be appraised and discussed, $5 per item. Limit of two items per person, with the possibility of additional items at the end of the program if time permits.

Wed, June 19 •  Historical Society Museum at 347 Convene Rd, 6:30pm

Malaga Island

Malaga Island off the coast of Maine is the site of a sad and shameful episode in local history, where a community of mixed-race families were forced from their homes in 1912. Join us to hear Kate McBrien, Chief Curator of the Maine Historical Society and curator of an award-winning exhibit about the remarkable people who created this unique island home and the political and economic events that led to their demise. Learn of Sebago's connection to this story.

Sat, May 11 •  Spaulding Memorial Library, 7:00pm

Poetry of Jack Barnes

April is National Poetry Month, and we're helping to celebrate with an afternoon of poems. We'll be reading some of Jack Barnes poems, recently donated to the SHS, and inviting participants to bring their favorite poem to share with the group. Bring your own work if you are among the poets of Sebago!

Sat, April 27 •  Spaulding Memorial Library, 2:00-4:00pm

Boston Post Cane

Sun, Jan 27, 2019 •   North Sebago Methodist Church, 1:00

The Historical Society is honored to present Roby Dyer with the Boston Post Cane, given to the oldest citizen in town since 1909. A reception and refreshment will follow the ceremony.

See a list of recipients of the Cane since the tradition began more than a hundred years ago. For more information on the Cane, see the Boston Post Cane Information Center.

Veterans Day 2018

Sun, Nov 11, 2018 •   Spaulding Library, immediately following the ceremony at Veterans Park

In an ongoing project, we are continuing to gather photos of service men and women who have lived in Sebago. We'll show the slide show of all the photographs we have been able to assemble so far, from the Civil War to the present. If you have any to add, please contact us! They don’t have to have enlisted from Sebago, just to have lived here at some point in their life.

Also, we'll run a video of last year's presentation by author Walt Bannon, who talked about his book The White Pocketbook, the extraordinary story of his mother's experiences in Nazi-occupied Belgium and her marriage to an American serviceman. Other war brides and children of war brides added their memories.

Cemetery Tour

Sun, Oct 28, 2018 •   At the Haley Cemetery, Convene Road, 5:00pm

Something new this year will be a tour through the Haley Cemetery just before Halloween. First get psyched up for Halloween at the Town Hall Halloween party on Saturday Oct 27th - and then continue in the spirit of things for our Sunday cemetery tour! Historical Society members will tell stories about interesting characters, we'll look at some notable graves in the cemetery and we’ll keep an eye out for ghosts. After the tour, Halloween treats will be available. Come dressed for Halloween fun and watch out for spooky Sebago characters!

Fall Open House

Sat, Sept 22, 2018 • 1:00 - 4:00pm   At our museum, 347 Convene Rd, Sebago

We will again feature cider pressing, ice cream making, wool spinning, and sock making, and other skills from a much earlier time. Our display shed will be open to view our larger items.

10th Annual Historic House Tour

Saturday, Aug 4, 2018 • 1:00   Meet at Veterans Park, East Sebago for carpooling

This year's Tour takes us to the Jackson Farm at the foot of Poor's Hill. Built in 1849 by Daniel Johnson Hill, grandson of the first settler in Sebago and a member of the first generation to be born and raised here, the farm was run for many years by Daniel's daughter Ella and her husband Thomas Jackson. More recently it has been known as the Jordan Hill Farm. The house and barn have been recently renovated and furnished with period fixtures. Tour includes a discussion of the families who have lived here and their place in Sebago's history.

Caroline Grimm's latest book

Local author Caroline Grimm will introduce us to her newest book The Old Squire, which is the latest in her Voices of Pondicherry series. In them she chronicles the history of South Bridgton, in which Sebago residents played a big part.
Free admission, donations gladly accepted.

Weds, June 20, 7:00pm
At our Museum, 347 Convene Road (corner of Hogfat Hill Road)

Antiques Roadshow, Sebago Style

Our most popular program from 2017 returns! Glenn Grant, antiques and collectibles expert, and longtime resident of Hogfat Hill, will join us for our very own Roadshow. He will appraise your interesting items and family keepsakes for $5.00 per item. Glenn began collecting antiques at age 12 and has been pursuing them throughout his 75 years. He has sales spaces at the Cornish Trading Co and Antiques USA in Arundel.
Free admission, donations gladly accepted.

Weds, May 23, 6:30pm
At our Museum, 347 Convene Road (corner of Hogfat Hill Road)

Veterans Day 2017

In a continuing project, we are gathering photos of service men and women who have lived in Sebago. Click to view a slide show of all the photographs we have been able to assemble so far. If you have any to add, please contact us!

Following the slide show, author Walt Bannon gave a talk about his book The White Pocketbook, the story of his mother's experiences in Nazi-occupied Belgium and her marriage to an American serviceman. Other war brides and children of war brides added their memories. Lake Region TV was on hand to record the full program and has provided the video below. Thank you, LRTV! (If you wish to go directly to the beginning of Walt's talk, skip forward about 5 minutes.)

Fall Open House

Sat, Sept 16, 2017 • 2:00pm   At our museum, 347 Convene Rd, Sebago
Video courtesy of Lake Region Television

First hand-cranked ice cream machine, developed by Nancy Johnson of Philadelphia, 1846

Help churn ice cream and press apples into cider. See demonstrations of spinning, axe-sharpening, letterpress printing and other traditional skills. Bring your own apples to press, or purchase apples and cider from local orchards. Browse the museum’s collection of historical artifacts. Local residents in traditional attire will interpret artifacts and lead activities.

9th Annual Historic Homes Tour

Saturday, Aug 5, 2017 • 1:00   Meet at Veterans Park, East Sebago for carpooling

This year we take an in-depth look at one extraordinary property that holds a significant place in Sebago's history: the Poor homestead, at the crest of Hillside. Built around 1802, it was the home of the Poor family for over 200 years, and the childhood home of the famous muralist Jonathan D. Poor, nephew of Rufus Porter. Tour the house, barn and private cemetery. Included in the tour is a talk and slide show on the Poor family by local historian Susan Cummings, a discussion of the murals with artist Sandy Howe, and an examination of the barn’s artifacts.

Inside the Poor's Barn

In Search of the Cumberland & Oxford Canal

Dave Tanguay, who brought us the popular "Steamboats on Sebago" program last summer, returns with more about our local waterways. The Cumberland and Oxford Canal opened in 1830 connecting Portland with Harrison and beyond via a network of rivers, lakes and 28 locks. Using old maps, photos and new satellite imagery he explores the canal as it can be found today. Free admission, donations gladly accepted.

Sat, July 1st, 2:00pm
At our Museum, 347 Convene Road (corner of Hogfat Hill Road)

Antiques Roadshow, Sebago Style

Glenn Grant, antiques and collectibles expert, and longtime resident of Hogfat Hill, will join us for our very own Roadshow. He will appraise your interesting items and family keepsakes for $5.00 per item. Glenn began collecting antiques at age 12 and has been pursuing them throughout his 75 years. He has sales spaces at the Cornish Trading Co and the Barnfull in Saco. Free admission, donations gladly accepted.

Weds, June 21st, 7:00pm following the SHS monthly meeting
At our Museum, 347 Convene Road (corner of Hogfat Hill Road)

A Walking Tour of the Fitch Bros. Mill

Saturday, Sept 10th, 2016 12:00 noon
Meet at the Sebago Elementary School, Rt. 114

William Fitch, one of Sebago's original settlers, started a sawmill on the Northwest River, a business which existed into the 1950s. His descendant, Richard Fitch Foley, will discuss the history of the mill and lead a tour of the site where it stood. Please join us for this event, which is free and open to the public.
Donations gratefully accepted.

Steamboats on Sebago

Wednesday, Aug 17th, 2016 7pm
At our Museum, 347 Convene Road (corner of Hogfat Hill Road)

Join Dave Tanguay of Windham and explore the history of steamboats on Sebago and Long Lake from 1846 to the 1930s as the Lakes Region became the Switzerland of America. A Power Point presentation using many postcard images from the period. Please join us for this evening event, which is free and open to the public.
Donations gratefully accepted.

8th Annual Historic Homes Tour

Saturday, July 23, 2016 • 1:00   Meet at Veterans Park, East Sebago for carpooling

Mary Babb House
Built in 1913 on Sebago Ridge and once a former Post Office

Manitou Cottage
Built in the early 1900’s in North Sebago, by Nason’s Brook, near the site of the Centennial Celebration

Harry H. Fitch Homestead
Built in the early 1800’s in East Sebago, given to the town of Sebago in 1951 by Mrs. Dorothy Spaulding, and later incorporated into the Sebago Elementary School

Please email contact@sebagohistoricalsociety.org for reservations and visit us on Facebook (search for Sebago Historical Society) for more information.
An $8.00 donation to the Sebago Historical Society is appreciated.


Wednesday June 15, 2016 at 7:00 PM
At our Museum, 347 Convene Road (corner of Hogfat Hill Road)

Linda Griffin of the Windham Historical Society will share with us her knowledge of the poor farms, or town farms, that were in existence in the early years of all Maine towns. There were laws governing the establishment and maintenance of poor farms that Linda will explain. Members of the Sebago Historical Society will also present information on our own Sebago town farm, including some very interesting facts that are being uncovered. Please join us for this evening event, which is free and open to the public.
Donations gratefully accepted.

PUBLIC PRESENTATION: Bottle Diving in Sebago Lake

Saturday June 4, 2016 at 2:00 PM
At our Museum, 347 Convene Road (corner of Hogfat Hill Road)

Jim Merry, bottle diver and digger will discuss his work. Using a powerful metal detector Jim can detect and locate antique glass because of the lead contained in old glass. He has collected many interesting objects from Sebago Lake and other lakes and ponds in the area. He will be sharing his stories and finds with us during this Saturday afternoon event. Please join us.
This is a free public event, donations gratefully accepted.

Mary Dore Poor, wife of Leander Poor. The photo is a gift from Martha Littlefield.

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